Server Health Notifier

Server Health Notifier is a local performance monitoring tool.


Server Health Notifier is a local performance monitoring tool. In a nutshel, when this app is running, it will monitor a few key aspects of its performance and it can notify you in a variety of ways.

The aspects that it monitors are perhaps of more value to server computers than workstations.

Server Health Notifier monitors CPU usage, free physical memory, page file usage, network usage, disk usage, threads, processes, and web server connections. I didn't see a way to add more parameters. For each parameter, you add a notification value, which basically means that when the parameter reaches that number or goes beyond it, you will get notified. If we look at CPU usage, by default, the notification value is 95%, so when the PC goes beyond that number, a notification is sent.

Notifications range from simple balloons that pop-up from the system tray area to e-mails. From the notifications tab, you can give the application some information about your e-mail server so that it can send you the e-mails to warn you. Additionally, you can set the application to run an executable file when a notification is due.

In my testing, the application warned me a few times that my RAM memory was low. There is a logging system that keeps a record of when you were warned and what the values were for each parameter during that event.


  • You can monitor a local or remote PC
  • Good notification settings
  • Logging system
  • Clean interface


  • You can't add more parameters
This program received 6 awards
Trogon Software
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